Here are 100 money saving tips you can use to pay off your debt, give or save to invest. If you like it please share on your favorite social network.
By Jess from Canada (HPIM4771) [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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Also for books, go to If I find a book I really enjoyed reading, I like to buy it so I can reread it many times. I’ve gotten a lot of books from thriftbooks for less than $4.00 and shipping is always free. The books are used, but they’re in great condition. A couple years ago I ordered Gone With The Wind and Scarlett from thriftbooks and paid less than $8.00. At Barnes and Noble, Gone With The Wind is almost $20.00 by itself.
Thanks for the tip and the comment. We have a used book chain around here that is good for that type of thing as well.
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