Considering Stewardship

Top Posts for January 2014

Top posts for January

  1. 100 Money Saving Tips  – Pretty self explanatory and thanks to some Pinterest traffic this has been my top post since it was published.
  2. Create a Budget – This  series on creating a budget, why you should and how to go about it.  Most importantly why this isn’t the end all be all to stewardship.
  3. Betterment Review – Betterment is the investment company I use because of its simplicity, diversity and low cost.  This is my review of Betterment.
  4. Fight the Cultural Tide – Living a simpler life to give to the gospel and be a good steward will definitely put you in a position of swimming against the tide.
  5. First Ebay Sale – I wanted to start selling some things to save space in our house and save up some money.  Here is my story.
  6. Book Progress – I have started working on a book that I have wanted to write for quite some time.  Here is where you can see my progress.
  7. Give yourself a raise – This article can help you get more money in your paycheck so you can do better things with it.
  8. Maximize Employer Benefits – Many employers have more benefits than you know and you should use them to your advantage.
  9. 20 Financial Questions to ask before Marriage – Just 20 conversation starters I give to pre-marriage classes.
  10. Envelope System – This article will tell you how to keep yourself on your budget by using the envelope/cash system.
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