Image by Ano Lobb
We all have missing money. You get to the end of your week and you know you had enough money to pay for everything you needed, but somehow you are coming up short. Where is your missing money?
Look, I have been talking, writing and lecturing about personal finance for years now and it still happens to me. I know exactly how much extra money I have in my various accounts. I know that we deposit extra into our main bank account to ensure we don’t overdraft. I know we have extra paychecks a few times a year so I know there is technically extra in the account we pay our bills from. So, I spend it because I know it is there. That is where my missing money is; living it up outside of my budget.
My guess is you have a few dollars floating around outside your budget. We all do. This problem arises when you allow money to sit idly in an account somewhere doing nothing. It will run away from you when you aren’t paying attention. Money wants to be spent, or used in some way and it will find a way to get what it wants. What can you do to keep your hard earned dollars from becoming missing money? I am glad you asked.
The secret to keep your money from going missing is to give it something to do. You money, like most of us, wants to feel like it has a purpose. You need a plan for all of your money, give it something to do. It doesn’t matter if it is paying off debt, paying for your bills, or being put in a nice quiet interest bearing account or investment to make more money for you.
Alright, the metaphor has gone far enough. I recommend you automate everything with your bank to make sure all of your money is going somewhere and doing something. Here are a few ideas.
Following these types of ideas will keep you from asking “Where did my money go?” It just won’t be available to spend.
What other ideas do you have? Tell us in the comments.
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